Elham Farahmand is a futsal instructor of the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and has an A football degree from the Asian Football Confederation.

Football taught me to live a progressive and growing life.
Football taught me counterattack and logical defense, and as Professor Morteza Mohassas and Professor Nader Arabi taught me, I took everything I needed for my teaching path from the football field.
The services that I have done to the football federation until today are still not a single bit of my debt to this federation. I found myself through the training of the football federation. This process was a ten-year period and it took almost ten years for me to become an A-level coach. I can say that all the subsequent stages of my sports life and learning were subject to these courses. If I had not followed the path of football, I would not have been able to succeed in teaching other courses.

I participated in most of the country’s federations either as a participant or as a teacher or intern. I must dare to say that the work class of the Football Federation’s training committee is not comparable to any other federation. I was like looking into the distance with the eyes of a giraffe. All the trainings were logical, planned and documented, and this made football the mother of my training when I was walking in the fields of fitness and other styles, and this was wonderful. Still, when I teach, it’s 7 am and I’m standing on the grass of the football academy, and the ruling order leads me to success.

It is a pure fact that they say that football is the education of life.

Elham Farahmand’s lectures on football and futsal

  • Parsian Futsal Coaching Course (Aslaviyeh) Iran level 2013
    Futsal coaching course Qeshm Iran level 2014
    Minab futsal coaching course at Iran level 2014
    Asia Bandar Abbas level one coaching course (assistant) 2015
    Futsal coaching course of Manojan Kerman at Iran level 2015
    Futsal coaching course in Babak, Iran level 2017
    Futsal coaching course in Yazd Iran level 2017
    Meibod futsal coaching course at Iranian level (July 1400)
    Level one coaching course, Iran, Tarem city, Zanjan province, 1400