Do you know who was the first person who started the Congo Jump training style in Iran and the third Asian country (after Dubai and Turkey)?

Elham Farhamand

In 2012, Elham Farahmand introduced this style of training to the Physical Fitness Association under the chairmanship of Mr. Valiullah Saleh Nia, and held the first theory introduction workshop in 1391 in West Tehran.

Then, while the general sports federation was replacing people with new people as usual, he continued to develop this field by trying and following up and translating articles and getting more information.

Until, with the cooperation of dear people such as Zainab Heydari, Maryam Musa Ali and Solmaz Abolqasmian as officials of the Tehran Kangojump committee and the presence of Mrs. Valeria Fatehi, the first course of the theoretical and practical class of Kangojump with the presence of 33 provincial representatives from all over the country, hosted by the general sports committee of Yazd province and the club It was organized under the management of Elham Farehmand and co-taught by Elham Farehmand and Valeria Fatehi.

The second term of the class was held in Tehran under the supervision of the Tehran Public Sports Committee at Elham Farahmand School (Chairman of the National Committee). A week after that, with the follow-ups that had already been done by Mr. Mehdi Fatehi (representative of Rahavard Fateh company) and the first importer of Congojump shoes, and Elham Farahmand and Mr. Ali Ashrafi, the current secretary of the Congojump committee, the first international course of Congojump was held with the presence of Modares Bin The International Mrs. Maya Zidan from Lebanon was hosted by the Allameh Tabatabai educational complex in Tehran.

The word curiosity and some fearlessness will make the first person take action. I am very interested in experiencing new things and if I don’t get another chance to live, I will not regret for a moment about the life I have had. Because everything I saw and felt on the path of life, and I took full advantage of that moment. In 2013, when I worked as a sports consultant in the nutrition clinic of Dr. Ruhollah Ayouzi. and Yazd Province’s hard worker came to the office to get advice and after a short question and answer, they asked me if you have Kangojump in your country.

And at first I didn’t understand exactly what this lady was referring to, so I asked her to write its name on a piece of paper for me, and after returning home for the same sense of adventure, I searched the Internet for articles and the entire background and history of this until about four in the morning. I checked the training style, saved it and translated it a little. There was no history of this field in Iran… This was the beginning of the story. …

My interest in searching has been in me since childhood and I have always nurtured it, and it has caused a lot of trouble for myself and those around me. After my return from Tehran and the excellent reflection of the class, the applicants for the Kangojump courses increased very quickly, and at the same time I was completing my studies on the simultaneous strengthening and stretching of the deep muscles and its effect on reducing the pain caused by repetitive movements of daily life through Gymastic tools. And I had fully realized the presence of some capable participants in Kangojump classes

Therefore, I announced to the federation that in the next courses I will use new instructors to teach Kangojump (I was the first in Kangojump, but I was not the best) ladies Munira Habibipour, Maryam Musa Ali, Maleeha Talebi, Nahid Farrokhzad as instructors of the committee for the Federation of Public Sports. They were introduced, they were the first people who participated in Congojump courses, and they were among the best aerobics and spars in Iran, and they were completely proficient in designing Congojump movements and teaching.

In 2017, Elham Farahmand was removed from the country’s Congo Jump Committee due to personal differences.

I didn’t lose anything, my precious treasure was the people who took the classes and trusted me and I learned a lot from them…

News links of Kongo jump classes:

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