2- risk of gastric ulcer

Cortone increases gastric acid secretion, and as a result, it may cause damage and increase the risk of stomach ulcers. If you have a family history of stomach ulcers, you should be more careful; Especially if you are taking oral corticosteroids. It is better to take the medicine before food. The use of these drugs is not recommended for people who have stomach ulcers.

3- Risk of high blood pressure

Cortone consumption causes the accumulation of water and salt in the tissues, thus raising the blood pressure in the veins, which may eventually lead to hypertension. According to experts, this problem can be solved by stopping the drug. In any case, it is better to eat a low-salt diet and avoid industrial and ready-made foods while taking Cortone. The result increases the risk of diabetes. According to French experts, when the blood sugar increases due to the use of these drugs, the body is forced to return the sugar into the cells to reduce the blood sugar, and this also causes weight gain. While taking corticosteroids, you should reduce the amount of sugar you consume. Diabetic people who are treated with coronet can use insulin to control their blood sugar.

4- Reduction of the body’s immune system

Long-term use of oral corticosteroids (for several months or years) reduces the strength of the body’s immune system. For this reason, it causes problems such as tooth infection, urinary infection, mycosis (fungal disease), etc. and delays the wound healing process. In this case, it is necessary to observe the body hygiene in the area of the mouth and teeth, feet, as well as personal hygiene (to prevent urinary tract infection) more carefully and to see the doctor when observing the smallest signs of infection. It is better to know that the reduction of the body’s defense power due to the use of coronet in the case of organ transplantation will benefit the patient, because it will preserve and care for the transplanted organ and reduce the risk of its rejection.

5- Osteoporosis

Long-term use of Cortone causes the loss of bone minerals and as a result damages their tissue. For this reason, it increases the risk of osteoporosis. Note that short-term use of Cortone (for example, to treat a severe ear infection or allergic rhinitis) will not cause a problem for bones. Serious side effects on bones are the result of long-term use of Cortone. If you have to take coronet for a long time, be sure to increase the amount of calcium absorption. You should increase the consumption of dairy products, fruits and green leafy vegetables. Drink mineral water. Be aware of the amount of vitamin D in your body, because this vitamin helps to absorb more calcium. This vitamin is found in cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna, egg yolk and mushrooms. Of course, to absorb vitamin D, it is necessary to be exposed to sunlight for 15 minutes daily.

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