
Observation without judgment

To inspire and inspire others and to give from the heart

Our goal in choosing the name Giraffe for the company is to spread the mindset of non-violent communication, heartfelt forgiveness based on intimacy and empathy.

Giraffe considers mutual understanding necessary for today’s world, and according to the research we have done in the Middle East region over the years, we have come to the conclusion that due to the many cultural differences in the Middle East region, teaching mutual understanding to all people is a necessary thing for governments and departments. It is private.

The language and behavior of the giraffe shows that we are responsible for our feelings, needs and actions

The giraffe is a natural symbol and model of speaking and listening from the heart. While the natural pattern of an angry person is to attack, defend and run away (the life pattern of a jackal).

The giraffe is a symbol of communication with oneself and others.

Our goal is to serve and celebrate life, and to serve life from the point of view of a giraffe means to look at it as a win-win

From our point of view, power is obtained by the presence of others, and no one is without talent, and we must consider the talented part of people

We must realize that judging others makes us distance ourselves from them

Companionship with a giraffe can enrich our quality of life and relationships.

Giraffe values

Personal responsibility






Compassion and compassion

Giraffe consists of two groups of experts who cooperate with each other in the field of mind and body at the international level in the Middle East region.

In recent years, despite the information of the mass media, it seems that children are victims of regional and bigoted beliefs, and we want to help them live without violence in the region where they were born. Our main focus is on mothers. Knowledgeable mothers raise giraffe children.

giraffe mission

Helping women for personal development in the field of mind and body

Giraffe perspective

Activity in the field of mind and body in the entire Middle East region in less than a decade and international and intercontinental communication to promote life without violence.

Giraffe motto

Details Matters

I prefer silence than judging others by their weaknesses would be costly to me.

I know that I have weaknesses


Mahsa Hejazi
Personal Trainer and Head of Yazd Branch
Narges Jafari
Coach of the elderly