Do you know who is the representative of the face-to-face courses of the American IFA Association, which is an online organizer of personal training courses and other sports courses in Asia?

Elham Farhamand

In 2017, Elham Farahmand translated the official book of this institution into sweet Farsi language, and after review by the IFA team, the book was placed on the site as the third language. Before that, only English and Spanish versions of the book were available, and after 2017, the official book of this institution The forum was translated into seven other living languages and placed on the site.

The first face-to-face personal training course of this association was held in 2019 by Elham Farahmand (IFA official instructor) in Yazd with the presence of 17 participants. The second and third courses were also held with excellent quality in 2019 and 2020. And the registration of new courses will continue through this site.

I always thought about being international. One night, I told my wife that I will finally become an international trainer and teach. Of course, I can’t tell you not to laugh because some things are strange to those around us, but for us, who were created for it, it is a potential and characteristic. I received it…he was sleeping… I woke him up and showed him the email… If everyone gives up on their dreams, I’m not that person… I never want to be that person…

Link to the news of international courses taught by Elham Farahmand for the IFA Association

ELHAM IFA Fitness Certification Seminar Photos